Weather Chart
Weather Chart
Weather Chart

Weather Chart

Treasures From Jennifer
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This very simple and beautiful weather chart engages your child's learning of weather and their environment. Your children will find themselves drawn to nature more often - reaching out the door to feel if it's cold, warm, or hot - looking to the sky for clouds, sun, wind, or rain. Younger children may first experience weather through description before developing more of an understanding of degrees on the thermometer, which is why the weather chart combined both words and numbers to point the dial towards.

The weather chart displays the temperature in Celcius. Display by hanging on the wall or pair with a tabletop stand for displaying on a flat surface.

The weather chart was designed to coordinate with the Perpetual Home Calendars. Being the same height as the wooden calendar, they look lovely side by side.

Dimensions: 15 cm wide and 30 cm tall